by Mia Copperhead

Women who are encountering irregular periods, night sweats & all of the other lovely symptoms that go along with menopause may really feel they're doing a crazy dance called the menopause hormone bounce. Their moods might bounce up & down like a rubber ball because of the menopause hormone changes.

While some fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone hormone levels does occur during menopause and makes a woman feel as if they are bouncing, menopause hormone levels are really decreasing. In the early or perimenopause stage as it is often called, the changes might be slight, then level off. This is likely to be followed by another drop in hormone ranges. It is this dropping & leveling off, then dropping & leveling off that causes a woman to feel as if she's undergoing menopause hormone bouncing.

When seen this way, the ups & downs of menopause hormone levels is more understandable and explains why women often feel as though they're at the mercy of their hormones. They are. The constant decreasing and adjusting involved in menopause hormones isn't some thing that could be controlled without the use of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)! HRT smoothes out the menopause hormone levels & keeps several from the much more unpleasant menopause symptoms & conditions from wrecking havoc with a woman's life.

HRT isn't for everyone, though. Only women who are experiencing extreme menopause hormone issues ought to go for HRT treatment. Even then, HRT isn't suggested for long-term use. HRT is, nevertheless, necessary for women who've an induced menopause hormone condition due to surgery. Though HRT might be somewhat controversial, it is still one of the most dependable & effective remedies for menopause hormone problems and ought to be regarded as by any woman who's going through a dramatic menopause.

Women who've milder menopause hormone circumstances may be helped by herbal remedies for menopause. Many herbs such as black cohosh, St. John's Wort & valerian have been discovered to provide relief for several menopause hormone problems. Prior to taking anything, a woman ought to see her doctor and have a good physical examination & make sure that any medicines or herbs are safe for her particular menopause hormone symptoms. Never take a label's word for it that it is safe. Get your doctor's advice first because the last thing you would like to do is add to your menopause woes! - 39969

About the Author:
If you want more information on Menopause, don't read just rehashed articles online to avoid getting ripped off. Go here: Menopause Herbal